About Us
From personalized weather consulting services to broadcast weather videos and graphics, our team of expert meteorologists make sure you don't deal with unpleasant weather surprises.Who We Are
Praedictix brings weather perspective, context and analysis from a team of seasoned meteorologists, specializing in broadcasting and consulting for specific weather challenges and use cases. The best forecasts are man and machine. We leverage the human element and experience to go far beyond what automated, commodity weather can offer.
What We Do
Praedictix delivers weather for three industry sectors: video, graphics and expert consulting. Our broadcast weather videos and high-resolution graphics are used in television, web, and social media. Additionally, broadcast-quality weather graphics are available for purchase – and fully customizable. Our consulting services range from corporate weather briefings and historical weather analysis to forensic weather cases. We want to keep your business a few steps ahead of the weather – and help you mitigate risk in the process.
What We Strive For
Praedictix’s goal is simple: to bring the human factor back into the weather. Smartphone apps only go so far. We bring relevant, actionable information to our customers to stay one step ahead of the weather.
In a time of increasingly volatile weather and climate extremes, you need the peace of mind that comes from teaming with the weather experts at Praedictix.
Our Meteorologists
The Praedictix meteorologists interpret the weather with your business footprint in mind with the cutting edge latest data streams, maps and analysis from sister company, AerisWeather.

No More One-Size-Fits-All Weather
Praedictix is applied meteorology: what’s the weather – and what does it mean for my specific business needs? Apps will never provide the analysis, context or perspective you need to make smart decisions. Watching weather on TV won’t save you money, streamline operations or keep your people any safer, either. There’s a smarter way to do business.