Case Studies

Examples of creative ways Praedictix's weather has been used across different industries


Scottsboro Electric Power Board

WeatherPlay: Replacing a discontinued product and delivering upgraded, customizable weather content to a local Alabama community.

SMU Weather Channel

WeatherPlay: How Praedictix is delivering hyper-local weather to a small community in Iowa.

Weather Video

caribbean beach with calaweather logo


Videos: Praedictix Takes on the Caribbean with CalaWeather

Haystack TV

Videos: Haystack & Praedictix Team-Up to Deliver Weather Content


Varda W-Series 1 Reentry in Utah

Varda Space Industries

Consulting: Praedictix Provides Critical Cloud Cover Forecasts for Varda’s Spacecraft Reentry

Wanzek Construction

Consulting: Praedictix Helps Wanzek Stay One Step Ahead of the Weather

Stables Property

Forensic: Praedictix Assists Stables Property in Legal Case

Minnesota Homeowner's Association

Praedictix Helps Homeowners Win Storm Damage Settlement