Weather Alerts

Staying a Step Ahead of the Weather

Investing in risk management is critical to any business. Surprises can often be detrimental to production, safety, reputation, and/or operations. We help our customers stay one or two steps ahead of the weather by offering a full spectrum of weather alerts delivered via SMS, email, or voice. It’s all about reducing operational risk by setting better expectations. Receiving updates in advance of weather extremes can help your team make quick, educated decisions to mitigate risk to your employees, suppliers, customers, and key facilities. Our alerting solutions are turn-key and managed by us, so you can keep focusing on your business.





Real-time Severe Alerts

Arm your staff with real-time, location-based weather alerts triggered by NWS watches, warnings, and/or advisories as soon as they are issued by NOAA. You can choose which alerts matter to your business – and the most effective way for those alerts to be delivered. We offer polygon-based alerts focused on your geolocation(s). Hyper-local mapping of alerts helps to convey time-sensitive weather information with greater clarity and accuracy. Our goal: no surprises.

Observation Monitoring

Weather observations can have a tremendous impact on decision-making. If your business is sensitive to such things as specific wind, temperature, dew point, humidity, or precipitation thresholds, our observation-based alerts will let you know of such occurrences so your team remains as productive and safe as possible.

Forecast Alerts

Our forecast-based weather alerts allow Praedictix customers to identify forecast weather parameters and thresholds that matter to them. Our alerts can give you advance notice of relevant weather conditions such as forecast rain or snow thresholds, wind forecasts, and more. The forecast continually evolves and changes as new weather models are released and our alerting infrastrure allows key decision-makers to stay a few steps ahead of rapidly-unfolding weather extremes.

“When Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria struck in 2017, Paul Douglas and the briefings from the Praedictix weather team were there to help Wells Fargo understand complex and fast-moving threats, make timely decisions, and most importantly, keep team members and customers safe.”

Chris Terzich

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Incident Manager, Wells Fargo

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