
Weather Discussion

Secondary Severe Weather Season- On The Way

Secondary Severe Weather Season- On The Way

Secondary Severe Weather Season- On The Way Parts of the country have had a very active severe weather season, and in some ways, it continues to be active! It has slowed a bit, which is natural given that it’s now August. We will start to enter the secondary Severe...

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Connecting the Dots: July 2024

Connecting the Dots: July 2024

Praedictix: new tools at the intersection of climate change and extreme weather Connecting the Dots: July 2024 Paul Douglas, Founder and Senior Meteorologist Weather and climate are flip-sides of the same coin. A warmer climate is flavoring (all) weather now, making...

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What to do in a Power Outage- do you call 911?

What to do in a Power Outage- do you call 911?

What to do in a Power Outage- do you call 911? This topic is heavily debated and often leads to a lot of confusion. The answer here is both yes, and no. Let’s take a closer look at the factors. You’ve just had a traumatic experience with a large storm going through,...

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Summer’s Return for the Midwest?

Summer’s Return for the Midwest?

Summer's Return for the Midwest? It has been a slow start for summer for one region in particular, the Midwest- as mentioned in another recent post. So far, cities like Minneapolis/St.Paul have only had 1 day at 90 degrees or above. Last year, they had a total of 33...

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The Summer that Wasn’t: For the Midwest?

The Summer that Wasn’t: For the Midwest?

The Summer that Wasn't: For the Midwest? This may be a controversial take, but let’s dive in. Much of the country has been baking this year in 2024, with relentless heat advisories, and excessive heat warnings. The West coast has had a prominent heat wave, with a few...

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