National Weather Forecast

A very active Monday is expected to begin the work week, with several areas of showers, storms, and snow across the lower 48. Parts of the central and southern Plains as well as northern New England will have the greatest odds of completely dry weather as we head through the day.

Heavy snow will fall out in the western mountains through Tuesday, with feet possible in the Sierra. The heaviest rain will be in the Deep South, with 3”+ possible.


A giant clean-energy transmission line to New York City is now underway

More from Canary Media: “Work has begun on a high-profile transmission project that will funnel clean power directly into New York City. On Wednesday, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the start of construction on the 339-mile Champlain Hudson Power Express transmission line, after the project’s developer reached an agreement with labor union leaders. The buried cables will deliver 1,250 megawatts of hydropower from Canadian utility Hydro-Québec, beginning beneath Lake Champlain, moving underground near Schenectady and Albany, then running below the Hudson River until eventually connecting to a new converter station in the Astoria neighborhood of Queens.

Pawpaws, America’s latest fruit craze, are being threatened by climate change

More from Grist: “Every September for the last 25 years, thousands of people have descended on a field in southeast Ohio to celebrate North America’s largest edible native tree fruit: the pawpaw. With custard-yellow flesh that tastes like a cross between a mango and a banana, pawpaws are eaten raw, worked into sauces and chutneys, or brewed into beer at the Ohio Pawpaw Festival, a celebration of both the fruit’s flavor and its history in Appalachia. This year, more people than ever before came to learn about the plant, crowding around a cooking demonstration to watch local chefs craft a pawpaw salsa and even buying seedlings to plant in their backyards. A few dozen gathered under a white tent to hear Brian Koscho, an Ohio-based artist and creator of an Appalachian history podcast, talk about the Indigenous roots of the plant. Pawpaws, he said, have an “impact both here in this area, but also far, far beyond.”

Heat pumps are the ‘central technology’ for low-carbon heating, concludes IEA

More from Carbon Brief: “Heat pumps will provide one-fifth of the world’s heating needs by the end of the decade if nations follow through on their plans, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). In its first global assessment of these electrical devices, the agency says they have emerged as “the central technology in the global transition to secure and sustainable heating”. Switching from gas boilers and other fossil fuels to heat pumps is expected to cut annual greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the output of Canada by 2030, the IEA concludes. Sales have already been surging, particularly in Europe, amid inflated global gas prices. They are set to reach record levels this year as many EU nations hand out incentives designed to cut their reliance on gas imported from Russia, following its invasion of Ukraine.


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Thanks for checking in and have a great day!

– D.J. Kayser