National Weather Forecast
Two main systems will help to bring showers and storms, as well as some snow (particularly at higher elevations out west) as we head through Monday.
From Sunday through Tuesday, the heaviest precipitation will fall out west, where portions of California could see up to 10” of rain and the Sierra could see a few feet of snow. Another area of heavy rain will fall across portions of the Central U.S. and near the Boston area, with 3” rainfall tallies possible.
Northern lakes warming six times faster in the past 25 years
More from York University: “Lakes in the Northern Hemisphere are warming six times faster since 1992 than any other time period in the last 100 years, research led by York University has found. Lake Superior, the most northern of the Great Lakes which straddles the Canada/United States border, is one of the fastest warming lakes, losing more than two months of ice cover since ice conditions started being recorded in 1857. In Lake Suwa, in Japan, ice formed close to 26 days later per century since 1897 and is now only freezing twice every decade, while Grand Traverse Bay in Lake Michigan had one of the fastest ice-off trends, melting about 16 days earlier per century.”
Big Oil’s Climate Plans Are Worthless, According to Science
More from Gizmodo: “Oil and gas companies keep saying they’re committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement. They keep making net zero promises. They touting high-tech solutions they’re working on. It may feel like most of it is bullshit, but now we have the science to prove it. In a study published Thursday in Science, a team of researchers found that of the world’s largest 52 publicly traded oil and gas companies, just a little more than half of them had made some sort of pledge to reduce their emissions. Of those companies that made promises, the study found, only two companies’ plans actually are enough to keep them in line with the goals set out in the Paris Agreement.”
Whitewashing ‘Blue Food’ Won’t Make the World More Green
More from Wired: “Recently, however, calls have emerged not for less fishing, but more, under the banner of a new term encompassing all seafood and aquaculture products: “blue food.” The Blue Food Alliance, launched ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit, has brought together academics, policymakers, and corporate donors focused on increasing the consumption of sustainable seafood. The project was introduced with much fanfare, including a set of papers in the journal Nature Food, an editorial in its parent journal Nature, a number of well-placed op-eds by important academics and members of industry, and even a promotional video. According to the group’s report, titled “The Blue Food Assessment,” seafood and aquaculture often have lower environmental impact and provide greater nutritional benefits than terrestrial foods while contributing to food security, making it economically and ecologically sustainable. But this blue-food narrative relies on generalizations and omissions that obscure the facts about the impacts of seafood. Just as harmful industries such as Big Oil and Big Livestock have promoted superficial production tweaks and embraced the language of sustainability, so too has the seafood industry.”
Thanks for checking in and have a great day! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@dkayserwx) and like me on Facebook (Meteorologist D.J. Kayser).
– D.J. Kayser