National Weather Forecast
Heavy rain will continue on Sunday in the Northeast as the system in place merges with what is left of post-tropical cyclone Philippe. Showers and even a few early mixed-in snowflakes will also be possible across the Great Lakes. A few storms could occur in southern Florida and the Desert Southwest. Meanwhile, a system approaching the Pacific Northwest will bring rain chances in mainly late in the day to the overnight hours.
Rainfall amounts of 3-6” are expected to cause flash flooding in parts of New England as we head through the end of the weekend.
Hurricanes arriving earlier due to climate change
More from the University of Hawaii: “Intense tropical cyclones are one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world due to torrential rains, flooding, destructive winds, and coastal storm surges. New research co-authored by a University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa atmospheric scientist revealed that since the 1980s, Category 4 and 5 hurricanes (maximum wind speed greater than 131 miles per hour) have been arriving three to four days earlier with each passing decade of climate change. Their findings were published recently in Nature. “When intense tropical cyclones occur earlier than usual, they cause unexpected problems for communities,” said Pao-Shin Chu, atmospheric sciences professor in the UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology and Hawai‘i State Climatologist. “Moreover, the earlier advance of these storms will overlap with other weather systems, for example local thunderstorms or seasonal summer monsoon rainfall, and can produce compounding extreme events and strain the emergency response.””
How to build a heat-resilient city
More from Grist: “Cities are hot. When you cover the ground with asphalt and concrete, jam millions of cars together on congested streets, and erect thousands of buildings that leak their own heat, you create what experts call an “urban heat island.” Daytime temperatures in these places can be as much as 7 degrees Fahrenheit higher than surrounding rural areas, and things don’t get much cooler at night. As climate change fuels a succession of historic heat waves, the urban heat island effect in many American cities is pushing the limits of human survivability. That’s the case in desert cities like Phoenix, where temperatures crested 110 degrees F for 30 straight days this summer, and also in cooler climes like Chicago, which has seen a series of scalding triple-digit weeks over the past few months. Dealing with this type of heat requires more than isolated interventions — reflective roofs here or mist machines there. Rather, the crisis of the past summer has shown that most American urban centers will need to consider a revamp from the ground up.”
What are the ‘greenest’ US cities?
More from Smart Cities Dive: “San Diego is the “greenest,” or most environmentally sustainable, city in the United States, according to a report released Wednesday by personal finance company WalletHub. Following the California city are Honolulu; Portland, Oregon; Washington, D.C.; and Seattle as the five greenest U.S. cities. The report looks at how the nation’s 100 most-populous cities compare across 28 key “green” indicators, including per-capita greenhouse gas emissions, green space, walking and biking scores, and whether or not the city has banned disposable plastic bags. “A well-run city is likely to also be a reasonably green city,” said Braden Allenby, an environmental scientist and Arizona State University professor, in an expert statement in the report. Green investment can make cities more livable, he said, but it must be done strategically to avoid eroding public support for green initiatives.”
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Thanks for checking in and have a great day!
– D.J. Kayser