National Weather Forecast
Snow will continue across the Great Lakes as we head through Saturday as the area of low pressure in the region will finally start to decrease in strength. Rain, snow, and ice will be a concern across parts of the Northwest.
Heavy snow will continue to impact the Great Lakes heading into the holiday weekend, with the potential of 1-4 feet of snow for some. The heaviest is expected down wind of both Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, including in the Buffalo and Watertown areas.
Forecast hourly wind gusts from Noon CST today through 6 PM CST Saturday Night.
Strong winds of at least 35 mph, with at least 50-60 mph winds, are expected heading into the holiday weekend from the Upper Midwest to the Great Lakes, causing blizzard conditions and drifting snow. These winds will help to close roads due to the whiteout conditions they will create. Winds, along with the snow, could also cause power outages. Strong winds will be on the decrease across the region as we head into Christmas.
How an F-150 Lightning kept the lights on at a CA dealership after a major earthquake
More from Electrek: “After a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Northern California, thousands were left without power. One dealership in North Eureka found a unique solution by plugging in two of its electric vehicles – a Ford F-150 Lightning and a Kia Niro – to stay open. … Harper utilized the powerful EV batteries as a backup energy source to keep the business running after the earthquake. The dealership posted on their Facebook a photo of Harper “tapping into” a Ford F-150 Lightning and Kia Niro EV for power, saying, “we are open for sales and parts if you need us.””
5 ways climate change made life more expensive in 2022
More from Grist: “Inflation dominated news headlines and American psyches in 2022. Overall, consumer prices jumped an average 7.1 percent this year, with the cost of just about everything going up, from cars to coffee and gas to groceries. The trend triggered a bitter midterm election campaign, prompted a series of aggressive interest-rate hikes from the Federal Reserve, and fears about an impending recession. The causes were numerous, from the war in Ukraine to the post-pandemic economic recovery. But in many sectors, the specter of climate change was also lurking behind these higher costs. Extreme swings in temperature and precipitation caused shortages and soaring prices for essential utilities like electricity, heat, and water. A series of catastrophic weather disasters scrambled the supply chains for vegetables and staple grains.”
Catching Up to Climate Change By Tracking Big-Picture Patterns
More from Utah State University: “If whenever the weather got too hot or dry, crested wheatgrass, yellow rabbitbrush and silvery groves of quaking aspen could choose to wriggle their extremities out of the soil and wander upslope to more hospitable environments, plants like these might have a better chance at surviving climate change. But, of course, they can’t. It’s actually the tedious immobility of plants that these two researchers find most fascinating. Adler, a plant ecologist in S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources and Stemkovski, a Ph.D. student from the Department of Biology, investigate how a changing climate is transforming vegetation across landscapes in the West. They have a captive audience with plants.”
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Thanks for checking in and have a great day!
– D.J. Kayser