National Weather Forecast
On Thursday, showers and thunderstorms are expected across the Plains and along the Gulf Coast states. Some rain will also be expected in New England. Some snow could mix in across parts of the Rockies. Meanwhile, Lee will still be situated southwest of Bermuda, but starting to move northward at a faster forward speed.
Two areas of heavier rain are expected through the end of the week: one in central Texas, and another in parts of the Northeast. In both of these areas, rainfall amounts of 2-4” are possible.
Lee is expected to approach the Northeastern United States and Atlantic Canada as a strong system late Friday into the weekend. I would expect to see high wind impacts that could knock out power and trees (partly due to leaves still on the trees to catch the wind) – especially in coastal areas. Flooding rains will also be possible – as even 1-5” of rain on saturated soils could cause flooding issues. Storm surge along the coast will also be possible.
Fall snow levels can predict a season’s total snowpack in some western states
More from the University of Washington: “Spring break can be a good time for ski trips — the days are longer and a little warmer. But if people are booking their spring skiing trips the fall before, it’s hard to know which areas will have the best snow coverage later in the season. Researchers who study water resources also want to know how much snow an area will get in a season. The total snowpack gives scientists a better idea of how much water will be available for hydropower, irrigation and drinking later in the year. A team led by researchers at the University of Washington has found that in some western states, the amount of snow already on the ground by the end of December is a good predictor of how much total snow that area will get. This prediction works well in northern states such as Alaska, Oregon and Washington, as well as in parts of Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. Other states, such as California, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, were harder to predict — these regions either had too much variation in their weather patterns and/or got the most of their precipitation after December.”
US behind more than a third of global oil and gas expansion plans, report finds
More from The Guardian: “The US accounts for more than a third of the expansion of global oil and gas production planned by mid-century, despite its claims of climate leadership, research has found. Canada and Russia have the next biggest expansion plans, calculated based on how much carbon dioxide is likely to be produced from new developments, followed by Iran, China and Brazil. The United Arab Emirates, which is to host the annual UN climate summit this year, Cop28 in Dubai in November, is seventh on the list. The data, in a report from the campaign group Oil Change International, also showed that five “global north countries” – the US, Canada, Australia, Norway and the UK – will be responsible for just over half of all the planned expansion from new oil and gas fields to 2050.”
Heat pumps outperform boilers and furnaces — even in the cold
More from Canary Media: “Not only do heat pumps function in freezing temperatures — they work far more efficiently than fossil-fuel heating systems in the cold. That’s according to a team of researchers in Europe affiliated with the independent nonprofit Regulatory Assistance Project. They published a study in Joule this week that provides yet more evidence to debunk the myth that heat pumps can’t handle cold climates. Electric heat pumps both heat and cool indoor spaces by moving warmth into or out of them as needed. And while global sales grew by 11 percent in 2022, according to the International Energy Agency, heat pumps still only account for about a tenth of the world’s building heating. To achieve the Paris Agreement’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050, heat pumps will need to replace far more fossil-fuel boilers and furnaces — including in places with frigid winters.”
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Thanks for checking in and have a great day!
– D.J. Kayser