National Weather Forecast
On Monday, a frontal boundary near the East Coast down to the Gulf Coast – and a second one ahead of that across southern Florida and southern Texas – will bring these areas the potential of showers and thunderstorms. Some showers are also possible in the Pacific Northwest.
The heaviest rain through the first part of the week will be in the Eastern United States, with the potential of 1-3” for some locations. Areas of the Northeast have saturated soils from heavy rain the past few weeks, so we may have to watch the potential for some areas of flash flooding.
More from The Cool Down: “Hurricanes and tropical storms have long been bringers of death and destruction. However, a new study focusing on the deaths has shown that as the planet overheats, these storms have become deadlier — and people of color in the United States are dying at a disproportionate rate. The study published in Science Advances showed that around 20,000 excess deaths — the actual number of observed deaths as opposed to expected deaths — happened in the aftermath of the 179 hurricanes and named storms that made landfall in the U.S. from 1988-2019, as reported by the Guardian. Unfortunately, 17 of the 20 deadliest storms have occurred in the last 15 years, accounting for over two-thirds of the excess deaths.”
Extreme heat is linked to higher risk of life-threatening delivery complications for pregnant people
More from The 19th: “Pregnant people exposed to extreme heat are at higher risk of developing life-threatening complications during labor and delivery, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Thursday. The research adds to a growing body of evidence showing the impact extreme heat has on a pregnancy, while also making a distinction between long-term exposure and events like heat waves. “I think this [distinction] is really important,” said Ashley Ward, director of the Heat Policy Innovation Hub at Duke University who was not involved in the study. “Most of the research around pregnant women has centered on acute events like a heat wave … but honestly, what we are all experiencing this summer is an excellent example of really what I would consider chronic heat exposure.””
Rivers rapidly warming, losing oxygen; aquatic life may be at risk, study finds
More from Penn State: “Rivers are warming and losing oxygen faster than oceans, according to a Penn State-led study published today (Sept. 14) in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study shows that of nearly 800 rivers, warming occurred in 87% and oxygen loss occurred in 70%. The study also projects that within the next 70 years, river systems, especially in the American South, are likely to experience periods with such low levels of oxygen that the rivers could “induce acute death” for certain species of fish and threaten aquatic diversity at large. “This is a wake-up call,” said Li Li, Penn State’s Isett Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and corresponding author on the paper. “We know that a warming climate has led to warming and oxygen loss in oceans, but did not expect this to happen in flowing, shallow rivers. This is the first study to take a comprehensive look at temperature change and deoxygenation rates in rivers — and what we found has significant implications for water quality and the health of aquatic ecosystems worldwide.””
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Thanks for checking in and have a great day!
– D.J. Kayser