National Weather Forecast

On Monday, a cold front diving south across the Southeast will help spark off showers and storms, stretching back into parts of the Southern Plains and north into the Mid-Atlantic. An area of low pressure will help spark off some storms from the Northern Rockies into the Northern Plains, and by the evening hours, a line of storms is expected across parts of North Dakota and northern Minnesota.

Some of the heaviest rain through 7 PM Tuesday will be across parts of the upper Midwest and in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast, where at least 1-2″ of rain will be possible.
Tropical Activity In The Gulf Of Mexico This Week?

While the Atlantic has been quiet for a while, that could change this week. A cold front is diving south across parts of the Southeast early this week, and by the mid-to-late week time frame, there’s a chance that an area of low pressure could form in the Gulf of Mexico. Right now the National Hurricane Center says that there is a 50% chance that tropical development could occur over the next five days. It would appear the greatest threat would be heavy rain at the moment.
Oregon Is About to Get a Lot More Hazardous
More from Scientific American: “When you live in an area at as much geologic risk as Oregon, you would expect that government officials would maybe, possibly, take those risks seriously. But the people who currently govern Oregon seem quite determined to ignore hazards and let the state languish unprepared.It’s bad enough that legislators voted this month to allow “new schools, hospitals, jails, and police and fire stations” to be built in areas that will most certainly be inundated in the event of a tsunami. Both parties think it’s a good idea now; I doubt they’ll still be feeling great about locating schools right in the path of rampaging seawater when the big one hits. But short-term economic gain outweighs long-term planning, so here we are. What else can we expect from a statehouse where lawmakers who would rather flee the state than be forced to deal with climate change?“
How climate change could impact — and even help — Salt Lake City’s bid to host another Winter Olympics
More from the Salt Lake Tribune: “As Salt Lake City continues its quest to host another Winter Games a decade or more from now, many Olympic athletes say they’re already in a downhill race against disappearing winters.You can feel that desperate chase in the life of U.S. snowboardcross athlete Alex Deibold, who won a bronze medal at the 2014 Games in Sochi, Russia. He’s among a growing number of Olympians speaking out on climate change as they see weather conditions for skiing, sliding and ice sports gradually melting away.The 33-year-old moved to Utah full time two years ago, and his Olympic dreams have made him a witness to vanishing glaciers in the Alps, akin to islands swallowed by the rising sea. He’s seen slushy and sometimes dangerous course conditions and tournaments canceled due to a lack of snow. New weather wild cards seem to emerge every season, even at once-reliable training venues.“
One climate crisis disaster happening every week, UN warns
More from The Guardian: “Climate crisis disasters are happening at the rate of one a week, though most draw little international attention and work is urgently needed to prepare developing countries for the profound impacts, the UN has warned.Catastrophes such as cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique and the drought afflicting India make headlines around the world. But large numbers of “lower impact events” that are causing death, displacement and suffering are occurring much faster than predicted, said Mami Mizutori, the UN secretary-general’s special representative on disaster risk reduction. “This is not about the future, this is about today.”This means that adapting to the climate crisis could no longer be seen as a long-term problem, but one that needed investment now, she said. “People need to talk more about adaptation and resilience.”“
Thanks for checking in and have a great Monday! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@dkayserwx) and like me on Facebook (Meteorologist D.J. Kayser)!
– D.J. Kayser