National Weather Forecast

A frontal boundary placed from the Great Lakes to the Southern Plains, with a second one near the East Coast, will produce showers and storms across these regions. Some storms could also stretch back to the Plains and the Northern Rockies. A few storms could be severe from the Northern High Plains to the Central Plains, with hail, wind, and a few tornadoes possible. Record highs will be possible in southern Florida.

Pockets of heavier rain will be possible in the central U.S. and in the Mid-Atlantic through the end of the week, with some areas potentially seeing over 3” of rain from Wednesday through Friday.


The planet saw its hottest day ever this week. The record will be broken again and again

More from CNN: “This week saw the hottest global temperature ever recorded, according to data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction. On Monday, the average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 Fahrenheit), the highest since records began. On Tuesday, it climbed even further, to reach 17.18 degrees Celsius. The previous record of 16.92 degrees Celsius was set in August 2016. Experts warn that the record could be broken several more times this year. Robert Rohde, lead scientist at Berkeley Earth, said in a Twitter post on Tuesday that the world “may well see a few even warmer days over the next 6 weeks.” This global record is a preliminary one, but it’s another indication of how fast the world is heating up, as the arrival of the natural climate phenomenon El Niño, which has a warming effect, is layered on top of climate change-fueled global heating.

Midwest states, often billed as climate havens, suffer summer of smoke, drought, heat

More from Investigate Midwest: “Forecasters say a perfect storm of factors has caused the smoke to settle over the Midwest, including atmospheric conditions. The way Canada manages its wildfires also plays a part. And the changing climate is bringing higher temperatures, periods of drought and more volatile winds that yield wildfires that burn faster and stronger than before. They also start earlier in the year. The severity of the problem over the past month has been a shock to the public, curbing much-anticipated summer activities. In Minneapolis in mid-June, the city’s air quality was among the worst in the world. When another wave of smoke washed over the city at the end of the month, beaches around Cedar Lake — normally packed on summer afternoons — were deserted. “In most people’s lifetimes, this is the worst it has been,” said Matt Taraldsen, who supervises a team of air quality forecasters and researchers at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Toyota claims battery breakthrough in potential boost for electric cars

More from The Guardian: “Toyota says it has made a technological breakthrough that will allow it to halve the weight, size and cost of batteries, in what could herald a major advance for electric vehicles. The world’s second largest carmaker was already pursuing a plan to roll out cars with advanced solid-state batteries, which offer benefits compared with liquid-based batteries, by 2025. On Tuesday, the Japanese company said it had simplified production of the material used to make them, hailing the discovery as a significant leap forward that could dramatically cut charging times and increase driving range.


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– D.J. Kayser