I have a history of putting babies on air during International Babywearing Week, which is celebrated the first week of October. I have done this to promote the many benefits of “wearing” your baby in a sling, which is something I am so passionate about. It started in October of 2017, when I brought my then infant son to the studio, put him on my back, and delivered my weather forecast with the blessing of the heads of the channel:

The video was so well received that I decided to it again the following year in 2018. My baby grew to a toddler, but toddlers like to be picked up to! So up he went on my back and I proceeding to deliver the national forecast. My little guy always had a tendency to sleep while wrapped up and, with impeccable timing, he let out a big yawn right at the beginning of the show and conked out.

We all had a good laugh about it and we went on to post it. We had no idea it would blow up like it did. When the views went from the thousands, to the tens of thousands, to the millions, we were dumbfounded. It truly went “viral” and it was a quite a wild ride. That week was loaded with interviews and catching up on all the news articles. I was dubbed the “babywearing meteorologist.”

In 2019, in effort to continue to spread the babywearing love, I brought in a friend’s baby into the studio and delivered another cuteness-charged national forecast:

Babywearing Meteorologist Susie Martin Promotes International Babywearing Week On Air

Unfortunately, we all know what happened in 2020 and the tradition came to an end with onset of the pandemic. Fast forward to now. This year I was blessed with a new baby boy and I decided to revive the concept. On October 5th, 2023, I brought my new little guy into the studio and we did it again:

My little guy enjoys naps in our slings just like his brother did, as you can see.

And so, my friends, this babywearing meteorologist is back. If you want to give babywearing a try, here are some helpful links:

Remember: a loved baby is a happy baby!


Susie Martin
Meteorologist & President

Meteorologist Susie Martin head shot