Hello! It’s that time of the year again: International Babywearing Week! What does this have to do with the weather? Well, it didn’t have much to do with it until I wore my son on our national forecast to celebrate babywearing week and bring media attention to the beneficial practice. I started in 2017 though it was last year’s babywearing forecast that (quite unexpectedly) reached millions of people across the world. You can read my Q&A on that video here. This year, in the spirit of once again promoting this wonderful practice, I had a special guest join me in the studio for our midday national forecast: 1-year-old Baby Ann. How precious is she?

Midday Weather Forecast 9/30/2019 (feat. special guest)

The weather is so busy that we brought in an assistant to help us through the midday national forecast! From extreme cold and snow to heat and flooding, we've got it all today in the U.S. Meteorologist Susie Martin and Baby Ann have your midday forecast.This special forecast was created to promote International Babywearing Week–a week dedicated to celebrating and advocating for babywearing and its many benefits for both mother and child. Learn more about why Susie is promoting babywearing: https://praedictix.com/international-babywearing-week-2019/#ibw2019 #babywearing #babywearingmeteorologist #weatherbaby

Posted by Praedictix on Monday, September 30, 2019

Clearly, she was very impressed by the incredible snow in Montana and the record heat in today’s outlook. 😉 We truly hope you enjoyed watching the forecast and hope it inspires some of you to give babywearing a try. As with most things in parenthood: it may not work for everyone, but it may just be one of the best/most useful things you’ve ever tried as a parent. It certainly was in my case!

Here are some helpful babywearing links:

Meteorologist Susie Martin
Twitter: @smartinWX
Babywearing meteorologist Susie Martin wearing baby Ann in a pink handwoven wrap