My favorite Weather App said no rain-why is it raining?

I hear this nearly every day from my friends and family, why is it or is it not doing this when my weather app says the opposite? One way or another, it’s always the same issue with the apps. Whether it is rain, snow or storms etc. Society has become far too reliant on weather apps. Weather apps are a great tool- but it’s just that, they are a tool. Most of these apps run off of various runs of weather data. If one of these model runs has the forecast wrong, the entire data feed will be wrong, meaning there is a high probability that the precipitation forecast will be wrong as well. 

Even being a Meteorologist- if I know it’s going to rain, and my friends say let’s go do this or that outside, and I respond with, ‘There’s a high chance of rain and storms, or snow between this and this time, so we should likely avoid that today’- their response is nearly always- well I checked my app and it’s not supposed to happen until 7 pm. Sometimes the apps get it, but more often than not, they don’t. 

What are Weather Apps useful for?

I like to use apps for a few things, radar, satellite, current temperature, and windspeed data.  Also of course, weather warnings, and lightning strike data are useful functions from apps, if they use push notifications to deliver this info. Trusting apps for an actual reliable precipitation forecast, on any given day, is a very risky bet to take.

On the Phone

No matter how often I try to convince people that these apps don’t always get it right, they never really do listen. To me, it’s a losing battle. It makes sense though. Society is framed around convenience and instant gratification right now. Weather apps deliver that, even if it’s not always right. We can’t fault anyone for this though. I love many apps- but again, it’s important not to trust these apps for an accurate precipitation forecast most of the time.

Apps are often heavily marketed by various news stations, companies, and individuals. They are a great way to feature sponsored ads and get content out to the masses. I even have my own app. I enjoy it for what it offers, but again, it’s important to read between the lines on what the app offers, and not trust them verbatim for the forecast. This includes the built-in forecast functionality on iPhones and Android phones. It functions in much the same way that the apps do.


What alternatives are there? Well- there’s a strong chance you will get a more reliable forecast via the news because this involves real humans looking at the weather data and creating their own forecast. Or if you have a trusted social media source for the weather, that’s always an option. We also know, that not everyone has the time to tune into a newscast and catch the weather, especially given the fact that so many aspects of life are focused on readily available information, and not having to wait. 

Apple Watch

There are also streaming services such as Haystack TV (where we also feature some of our broadcasts) that allow you to watch the updated weather forecast on your own time, as it’s a curated news app. You can simply download it from the app store or the Google Play marketplace on Apple and Android and set your location. Haystack is also available on many smart TVs. That’s all it takes to get set up on that!

Using Phone for Business


The next option–suppose you or your business requires an even more reliable, hand-crafted method of coming to an accurate forecast. In that case, weather consultants, such as degreed and certified meteorologists, offer much more precise forecasts for your needs. Winter consulting and summer consulting are some things that are offered. We also offer those services, with a proven track record

If consulting is not within your budget or you do not need it, In that case, we recommend using your apps for radar, and temperature data, but taking the actual forecast data a lot less literally, as it is going to be prone to a fair amount of error.

Stormy Outside

Either way, there are many ways to get a reliable forecast. We are not saying that apps are bad, we are just saying it’s important to know what portions of app data are more reliable than others for getting the information that you need.

Stay safe and informed out there!

-Meteorologist Bo Cole

Meteorologist Bo Cole


Who is Praedictix? We are a weather company that focuses on delivering credible weather forecasts to our clients. We have three main offerings: media, weather graphics, and weather consulting.

Media: With three HD studios, we’re able to create professional weather forecast videos for use in television, social media, apps, and websites. Our forecasts are tailored to our clients’ brand. Our content ranges from national to hyperlocal forecasts and air all over the country.

Weather Graphics: We have access to a robust weather dataset which allows us to create highly customizable, HD weather maps and graphics for use in television, digital signage, social media, and websites. Our white-label graphics allow our clients to push their own brands and sponsors.

Consulting: We lend our weather expertise to our clients to help with risk mitigation and business optimization by way of conference calls, emails, and briefings. We also have a forensic meteorology team that specializes in forensic weather analysis and expert testimony.

Click right HERE to learn more about us or contact us for your weather needs.

Thanks for checking in!

Meteorologist Bo Cole