by Praedictix Weather | May 29, 2019 | Services & Products, Weather Graphics Spotlight
No doubt 2019 has been a historic year in terms of flooding. Following flooding from the Spring’s snow thaw, repeated rounds of intense rain/thunderstorm events these last few weeks have pushed things to a whole new level. Relentless Spring rain has resulted in...
by Praedictix Weather | Apr 24, 2019 | Services & Products, Weather, Weather Graphics Spotlight
Spring has arrived and aside from greenery, blooms, and allergies, it also means severe weather. The peak of severe weather season varies from region to region, but we tend to see a significant increase in severe storms during the Spring months. March through May are...
by Praedictix Weather | Feb 4, 2019 | Services & Products
We are thrilled to have more and more WeatherPlay systems going online and delivering hyper-local weather to many communities across the country. Our player systems are now delivering local weather channels to communities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Carolina, North...